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How to use the Kniggendorf terminal with Tjekvik

How to use Tjekvik with Kniggendorf Hardware

Jason Dwight avatar
Written by Jason Dwight
Updated over a week ago

How to set up your Kniggendorf hardware with Tjekvik software.

Once the machine is set up via Kniggendorf please supply the serial number to [email protected]

Our Tjekvik gurus will now set everything up and be in touch once we have confirmed it's working.

To use the machine please follow the below:

We provide the dealer with a QR code and they follow the process on the mobile device

Check-in -

The customer turns up at the dealer and scans the QR code, they follow the check inflow on their phone, after completing the Tjekvik check-inflow for outdoor the customer will put the keys in the Kniggendorf machine and close it. The service advisor can now see within the Tjekvik appointment manager that someone has checked in and there are keys in the Kniggendorf machine.

Check-out, there are 2 options:

  1. The customer receives a "ready for check-out" message which includes the link to the check-out process. At the end of the check-out process, the customer gets the PIN code for the locker.

  2. The customer arrives and scans the QR code and follows the check out process.

It is the service advisor's responsibility to make sure the customer’s keys are attached to the correct locker and PIN, both can be seen on the appointment as is automatically generated by Tjekvik and synced with the Kniggendorf locker.

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