With your kiosk on and connected to a usable network, plug a keyboard into one of the USB ports on the back of the kiosk, at the bottom of the machine.
On your keyboard, hold down Control + Escape to bring up this menu, then use the arrows on your keyboard to go to Internet, then TeamViewer:
This may bring up your TeamViewer credentials, or the window you need may be hidden behind the main Check In window.
If you cannot see the TeamViewer credentials, use Alt + Tab to bring up this:
Press Alt+Tab on your keyboard to select the TeamViewer window:
If you still see this white page, you can minimise this using the touchscreen:
The TeamViewer credentials will be visible now:
In some cases, the TeamViewer ID and Password are not available to Tjekvik, so you will need to find them on the kiosk.
Written by Jason Dwight
Updated over 7 months ago