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All CollectionsTraining CenterAdministrators - Level 3
3.2 - Understand activity logs within Tjekvik appointments
3.2 - Understand activity logs within Tjekvik appointments

A full description of all activity logs being used to describe an appointment state

Alexey Krasilnykov avatar
Written by Alexey Krasilnykov
Updated over a week ago
  • Home check-in notification sent - An SMS has been sent to the customer for them to complete a home check-in prior to arriving to the dealership.

  • Home check-in started - The customer has started to fill out the Home Check-in process.

  • Home check-in - customer comment provided - The customer added and extra comment about the upcoming repair.

  • Home check-in complete - The customer has completed the Home Check-in process.

  • Home Check in v2 complete - The customer has completed the Home Check-in process.

  • Manually triggered home check-in SMS sent - A User at site has re-sent/manually sent out the Home-Check in SMS

  • Manually triggered home check-in email sent - A User at site has re-sent/manually sent out the Home-Check in Email

  • Car service check in sign_in - The customer has Started the Check-in using the kiosk.

  • Locker Assigned - a locker has been assigned to the customer ready to put in their key inside.

  • Appointment state changed pending -> confirmed - Kiosk Check-in started - Upon the customer signing their signature on Check-in, the state is changed.

  • Check in complete - The customer has completed the Check-in using the kiosk.

  • Appointment state changed confirmed -> prepared - Appointment has been confirmed and key has been closed inside the locker.

  • Locker #{locker.number} closed (#{terminal_name}) on check-in - The locker has been closed with the key inside it after Check-in.

  • Appointment Updated - Successful writeback from Tjekvik to the DMS with customer options/changes/comments. (etc.)

  • Appointment state changed prepared -> production - The Vehicle state has been moved, as the repair has been started by the technicians.

  • Appointment state changed production -> finished - Repair has been completed and moved to the next stage.

  • Employee: #{}: Finished appointment - User at site has manually closed the appointment on the Appointment Manager.

  • Car service check out complete - Check-out completed by customer using the kiosk

  • Locker #{locker.number} (#{terminal_name}) on check-out - Reflects the action performed on the locker.

  • Reception Check in complete - User at site has completed the Tablet Check-in with the customer.

  • Shop permissions displayed: Tjekvik Default - Default settings have been shown to the customer for Outdoor Check-in.

  • Outdoor Check in complete - Customer has completed the Outdoor QR Code Check-in.

  • Appointment created by customer - Customer has started a "No Appointment" Check-in using the kiosk.

  • "Outdoor car service check in sign_in" - When a customer uses the QR function and successfully checks in.

  • Reception car service check in sign_in - User at site has Started the Tablet Check-in with the customer.

  • New payment #{Cost} at checkout created by #{} - A New payment has been created by a user at site for the customer to pay.

  • Payment #{Cost} has been cancelled by #{} - A payment has been cancelled by a user at site.

  • "Process paused, locker #{locker.number} opened manually by #{}" - A user at site has used the pause function on the AM and manually opened a locker but not changed the state of the appointment or moved it along in the repair process.

  • Locker #{locker.number} opened (#{terminal_name}) by #{} - A locker was manually an employee using the open locker function on the appointment.

  • "Locker #{locker.number} opened (#{terminal_name}) by #{} and released." - User at site has paused the appointment to do something with the vehicle and then released back to the process without changing the state (Ie. Moving a car to a different space)

  • Appointment state changed finished -> finished - Appointment was updated but the state does not change which is why it states that it is changed to the same thing.

  • Appointment approved by external api client! - Users have updated the appointment through their API/DMS and this has then updated the AM - moved from the Finished column to Approved. (Only for certain shops)

  • [Reception] Updating appointment with external call! -If a customer has updated the repair on tablet check-in, we then transfer this information to OUR customers API.

  • [Outdoor] Updating appointment with external call! - If a customer has updated the repair on QR Code check-in, we then transfer this information to OUR customers API.

  • [Indoor] Updating appointment with external call! - If a customer has updated the repair on Kiosk check-in, we then transfer this information to OUR customers API.

  • [Home] Updating appointment with external call! - If a customer has updated the repair on Home check-in, we then transfer this information to OUR customers API.

  • Appointment check-in error detected - check-in completed by the system - After appointment is stuck upon check-in, a background worker running every 10 minutes manually pushes appointment from "confirmed" to "Prepared".

Custom App Notifications

  • MyBmwApp send home check in - With BMW/MINI sites if they signed up for this service, the app will send a notification which will re-direct to the Home check-in link.

  • MyBmwApp send appointment confirm - Confirmation of Checked-in Appointment through a notification from the App.

  • MyBmwApp send appointment pick up information - The App will notify the customer about the vehicle being ready for collection.

  • MyBmwApp push notification - invalid VIN or customer don't have MyBMWApp - Customer either does not have the MyBMWApp or the app does not recognise the Vin number (Possible age of the vehicle).

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